Thursday, September 2, 2010

Holy Fucking Shit, Coffee.

Be fucking careful you fuckers. This shit can make mountains fucking take off into the stratos-fucking-sphere. This shit can give handicapped people super fucking strength. The creation of this majestic being that is well known by the mortal name of 'Coffee' has been stricken through the ages as one bad ass fucking berverage. The brain exploding caffiene is what fucking does it.
It can turn your brain to mush, but fucking super smart mush, so smart that you could fucking use it as a render farm and render all of avatar in approximately 4 minutes. You could calculate all of the probabilities of the future, and the past. This epic concoction of water and bean is said by some to be the creater, the beginning, the one who designed life as we know it. And we fucking drink it. Thats how fucking awesome and amazing the human fucking race is. Holy fucking shit how the hell could this be?

Good god its fucking Coffee.


  1. coffee makes me really jittery, just 1 cup~

  2. Even as an adult I still add way to much sugar and cream to my coffee.

  3. 9/4 love baby! clicked for love!

  4. 9/4 love baby! clicked for love!
